
Scouts help deploy ShelterBox aid in flooded Brazil

Bom dia Antonio,

Abaixo o endereço para acessar a página da ShelterBox, com o depoimento teu e uma das fotos que nos encaminhaste.


O David novamente agradece o empenho com que os escoteiros e chefes participaram na montagem das barracas. Pede para que esse agradecimento se estenda a todos do grupo.

A página está em inglês, então caso precises de alguma ajuda me prontifico para traduzir.


Flávio K Rohden


Fonte: http://shelterbox.org/news.php?id=845

Scouts help deploy ShelterBox aid in flooded BrazilShelterBox Response Team (SRT) members, David Hatcher (far left) and Walter Filho (far right), were joined by local Scout groups in Brazil

Following the completion of ShelterBox’s latest deployment to Brazil, ShelterBox Response Team member David Hatcher (UK) has praised local Scouts’ part in dispatching emergency aid to families who had been made homeless following devastating floods.

ShelterBox deployed 53 boxes to build the emergency camp at Sulfabril in Rio do Sul in the South East of Brazil after floodwaters submerged eighty percent of the town.

Once the greatest need for aid had been identified, Scouts from the Scout Group Mafeking in Rio do Sul were on hand immediately, helping to distribute the aid within four days of the ShelterBoxes arriving.

David estimates that the Scouts were responsible for pitching over half of the ShelterBox tents and played a vital role in the deployment.

‘There is no doubt that without the enthusiasm, commitment and hard work of the Scouts ShelterBox would not have succeeded in providing emergency shelter to all the families in such a short period of time,’ he said.

‘The experience and team spirit that the Scouts brought to the task ensured everyone else involved in the operation enjoyed working alongside them and achieved a remarkable result.

‘The families who benefitted and the SRT members are most grateful to all the Scouts and their leaders who made the deployment such a speedy success.’

Great learning experience

Chairman of Scouts Group Mafeking, Antonio Carlos de Oliveria, added; ‘It was a great learning experience for the members of Mafeking Scout Group, the collaboration with ShelterBox showed us the importance of being better prepared to face adverse situations.

‘Once again our Scouts surprised us with their solidarity and collective responsibility. We thank ShelterBox for their great work in our community, and giving the opportunity and confidence to our scouts to help in their mission.’

ShelterBox has a strong history of working with Scout organisations, Brazil is the latest in a number of deployments which have been assisted by Scout groups around the world.
